Why you should start using Cloud Computing?

2 min readDec 19, 2022


What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a model of computing in which computing resources (such as compute, storage, networks, services, and applications) are provided over the internet, just like any other utility such as electricity, water, etc.

These computing resources can be quickly provisioned (in a matter of minutes), configured to use exactly what we need, and quickly taken out of use.

The big cloud providers (Amazon, Google & Microsoft) provide a wide range of cloud computing resources and services which can be categorized into IaaS, PaaS & SaaS.

Why Cloud Computing?

Previously, teams and organizations, if they had to deploy and run their web applications and services, had to purchase, configure and maintain servers and data centres. This cost them a lot of money and time. However, with cloud computing, teams and businesses can achieve the following:

  • No up-front cost & Cost Savings: As we can quickly provision and de-provision and cloud’s pay-as-you-go model, we don’t have to purchase and maintain expensive physical infrastructure.
  • Scalability & Flexibility: The cloud provides provide us with the flexibility to scale up or down the cloud computing resources based on our needs. Scaling up and down can be done in a matter of minutes rather than days or months.
  • Improved Security: Cloud providers implement, enforce and provide modern tools to secure the infrastructure, applications, and services running in the cloud.
  • Time to Market: Modern cloud providers provide modern tools and services which allow teams to quickly develop, test, and release applications and services. Because of their global presence, businesses can quickly roll out services around the world.

We’ve just scratched the surface and if you want to dive deep into this topic, I recommend you watch this video:

If you want to dive deep into this topic, please watch this video.

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